
默认情况下在 PHP 中是不能使用 XML-RPC 支持的。你需要使用 --with-xmlrpc[=DIR] 配置选项编译 PHP 才能够使用 XML-RPC 支持。从 PHP 4.1.0 开始附带了此扩展。

User Contributed Notes

evsninja 17-Oct-2014 05:59
The easiest way to install XML-RPC in CentOS (migth not work on CentOS 7):
yum install php-xmlrpc
service httpd restart

Ready to go!
renzvinci at gmail dot com 08-Nov-2013 01:18
Note: On OSX uncomment the following line in php.ini :

David Simon 09-Jan-2013 04:17
On Ubuntu 12.10, try sudo apt-get install php5-xmlrpc
SalmanAbbas007 13-Mar-2011 02:53
Note: On Windows you just have to uncomment the following line in php.ini :-
