Installing simpleXml using composer:
"composer require ext-simplexml"
The extension is enabled by default in most distros. You can check the list of php modules using:
"php -m"
此扩展默认为启用,编译时可通过下列选项禁用: --disable-simplexml
Note: Before PHP 5.1.2, --enable-simplexml is required to enable this extension.
Installing simpleXml using composer:
"composer require ext-simplexml"
The extension is enabled by default in most distros. You can check the list of php modules using:
"php -m"
For Linux Ubuntu using PHP 7:
sudo apt-get install php7.0-xml
Gentoo users: emerge does not compile dev-lang/php with simplexml by default. To enable this option, add the flag simplexml to your USE variable and recompile php.