



鼓励用户不要把所有的事务逻辑都用 web 应用程序(即用户的脚本)来实现。最好用视图(view)、触发器(trigger)或者规则(rule)在数据库层面完成。当系统升级的时候,需要为数据库开辟新的接口,这时就必须重做所有的数据库客户端。除此之外,触发器还可以透明和自动地处理字段,并在调试程序和跟踪事实时提供有用的信息。

User Contributed Notes

Anonymous 20-May-2016 04:04
"You are encouraged not to implement all the business logic in the web application (i.e. your script), instead do it in the database schema using views, triggers or rules. If the system evolves, new ports will be intended to open to the database, and you have to re-implement the logic in each separate database client."

This doesn't make sense to me. I might be misreading it, but I can't see how this adds to security. It sounds like implementing business logic in the database just increases the amount of work you have to do if you ever want to upgrade or change your SQL database.