PHP 及其相关工程的历史

Table of Contents

PHP 在过去的几年里走过了漫长的道路。成长为处理 web 的最卓越的语言并非易事。如果对 PHP 如何发展到今天很感兴趣,那么请继续读下去吧。以前的 PHP 发行版可以在 » PHP 博物馆找到。

User Contributed Notes

tarlepp 21-Jul-2017 09:01
It seems like PHP7 is missing here totally, also some comment about why skip PHP6 version would be nice.
curious at user dot com 21-Jan-2016 01:25
Can these notes be updated for PHP 6 / 7 ?

The history is great.
tuxedobob 03-Oct-2015 04:01
As the nationality of Zeev and Andi was mentioned, I was curious as to where Rasmus hailed from.

Wikipedia says he was born in Greenland and moved to Canada in 1980.
aowie1 at gmail dot com 12-Oct-2013 05:12
PHP is actually a recursive initialism. Not a recursive acronym.

The difference is that an acronym is reserved for initials that are pronounced as a word and not by their individual letters. The latter refers to an initialism.
arkebion at gmail dot com 28-Aug-2013 09:33
Some may say that history of a programming or scripting language is not important, but i think it is very crucial if you want to understand the architectural development and reasons behind it. So presentation can be important too, i think this is a more clear version of this document: