

(PHP 5 < 5.4.0)

sqlite_fetch_column_types -- SQLiteDatabase::fetchColumnTypes Return an array of column types from a particular table


array sqlite_fetch_column_types ( string $table_name , resource $dbhandle [, int $result_type = SQLITE_ASSOC ] )

面向对象风格 (method):

public array SQLiteDatabase::fetchColumnTypes ( string $table_name [, int $result_type = SQLITE_ASSOC ] )

sqlite_fetch_column_types() returns an array of column data types from the specified table_name table.



The table name to query.


The SQLite Database resource; returned from sqlite_open() when used procedurally. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method.


The optional result_type parameter accepts a constant and determines how the returned array will be indexed. Using SQLITE_ASSOC will return only associative indices (named fields) while SQLITE_NUM will return only numerical indices (ordinal field numbers). SQLITE_ASSOC is the default for this function.


Returns an array of column data types; FALSE on error.

SQLITE_ASSOCSQLITE_BOTH 返回的列名会依照 sqlite.assoc_case 配置选项的值决定大小写。


版本 说明
5.1.0 Added result_type


Example #1 Procedural example

sqlite_query($db'CREATE TABLE foo (bar varchar(10), arf text)');
$cols sqlite_fetch_column_types('foo'$dbSQLITE_ASSOC);

foreach (
$cols as $column => $type) {
"Column: $column  Type: $type\n";

Example #2 Object-oriented example

= new SQLiteDatabase('mysqlitedb');
$db->query('CREATE TABLE foo (bar varchar(10), arf text)');
$cols $db->fetchColumnTypes('foo'SQLITE_ASSOC);

foreach (
$cols as $column => $type) {
"Column: $column  Type: $type\n";


Column: bar  Type: VARCHAR
Column: arf  Type: TEXT

User Contributed Notes

enthusiast 06-Mar-2005 05:19
If I (OO version) try to add the contant SQLITE_ASSOC, (exactly as listed in the above example) it generates the following error:

SQLiteDatabase::fetchColumnTypes() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in C:\....

If I remove it completely, it returns the associative array I expected.
10-Jan-2005 12:01
The problem with the permanently locked database file when using this function still seems to exist in PHP 5.0.3 (tested on win32).

However, you can get all the information you need about the fields of a table by using this query:

PRAGMA table_info(name_of_your_table);
hugo_pl at users dot sourceforge dot net 18-Aug-2004 06:55
This function, and the OO version, is bugged in PHP <= 5.0.1, locking the database until you restart the webserver.
