Some other use-cases for the password_needs_rehash function is when you have specified using the PASSWORD_DEFAULT algorithm for password_hash.
As mentioned on the Password Hashing Predefined Constants and password_hash pages, the algorithm used by PASSWORD_DEFAULT is subject to change as different versions of PHP are released.
Additionally password_needs_rehash would be used if you have changed the optional cost or static salt (DO NOT USE A STATIC SALT) requirements of your password_hash options.
Full example:
$new = [
'options' => ['cost' => 11],
'hash' => null
$password = 'rasmuslerdorf';
$oldHash = '$2y$07$BCryptRequires22Chrcte/VlQH0piJtjXl.0t1XkA8pw9dMXTpOq';
if (true === password_verify($password, $oldHash)) {
if (true === password_needs_rehash($oldHash, $new['algo'], $new['options'])) {
$newHash = password_hash($password, $new['algo'], $new['options']);
echo $newHash;
The above example will output something similar to: