This function need's the calendar extension:
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
easter_date — 得到指定年份的复活节午夜时的Unix时间戳。
] )返回指定年份的复活节午夜时的Unix时间戳。
复活节的日期是由尼西亚议会在AD325年确定的为每年春分月圆后的第一个星期日。春分一般是在3月21日,这就简化为只要计算满月的日期和紧挨的星期日的日期。这里所用的算法是在532年由Dionysius Exiguus所介绍的,参考了Julian历法和Gregorian历法这两个历法来提高精确度。(在1753年以前用Julian历法计算,该历法是一个以19年为周期来确定月亮的相位的历法。在1753年以后用Gregorian历法计算,该历法由Clavius和Lilius发明,由Pope Gregory 8世在1582年推广)
版本 | 说明 |
Since 4.3.0 |
year 参数可选,缺省的默认值是当年。
Example #1 easter_date() example
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(1999)); // Apr-04-1999
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(2000)); // Apr-23-2000
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(2001)); // Apr-15-2001
This function need's the calendar extension:
Thank you, @Maxie, for algorythm for computing Orthodox Easter date.
It can be improved though. You added 13 days in order to map Julian calendar to Gregorian. But 13 days is not a constant. It's an accumulated error fixed in Gregorian and should be calculated with this formula: (int)($year / 100) - (int)($year / 400) - 2
Hey, recently I needed a function to get realization dates in online shop, so here it is (ready to go for polish users, please adjust your dates for any other country):
function getWorkday($date1,$workDays) {
$workDays = (int)$workDays;
if ($workDays <= 0)
return null;
$date1=strtotime('-1 day',strtotime($date1));
$lastYear = null;
$hol=array('01-01','01-06','05-01','05-03','08-15','11-01','11-11','12-25','12-26'); //array of month-date of static holidays (these are from Poland)
$i = 0;
while ($i<=$workDays) {
$year = date('Y', $date1);
if ($year !== $lastYear){
$lastYear = $year;
$easter = date('m-d', easter_date($year));
$date = strtotime($year . '-' . $easter); // easter
$easterSec = date('m-d', strtotime('+1 day', $date)); // easter monday
$greens = date('m-d', strtotime('+49 days', $date)); // zielone swiatki
$cc = date('m-d', strtotime('+60 days', $date)); // boze cialo
$hol[] = $easter;
$hol[] = $easterSec;
$hol[] = $greens;
$hol[] = $cc;
if (!($weekDay==0 || $weekDay==6 || in_array(date('m-d',$date1),$hol)))
$date1=strtotime('+1 day',$date1);
return date('Y-m-d',$date1);
I found a problem with holidays timestamp computation and daylight saving time.
An article about it at (in french only, sorry).
In summary, this year (2013) easter begins before adding an hour for daylight saving time (occured sunday at 3:00). It means that if you do $easter + X, where x is a number of seconds equivalent to one day, 39 days or 50 days, the result is not equals to a midnight timestamp...
Here a function to check if a midnight timestamp is equals to an holiday :
function isHoliday( $ts ) {
// Licence : Creative Commons (BY)
// By Webpulser -
$fixed_holidays = array( '01-01′, '01-05′, '08-05′, '14-07′, '15-08′, '11-11′, '25-12′ );
$format = 'd-m';
$dm = date($format, $ts);
if ( in_array($dm, $fixed_holidays) ) return true;
$easter = easter_date( date('Y', $ts) );
if ( date($format, $easter + 86400) == $dm ) return true;
if ( date($format, $easter + 3369600) == $dm ) return true;
if ( date($format, $easter + 4320000) == $dm ) return true;
return false;
feel free to use / modify.
Due to range limitations of core functions such as easter_date(), mktime(), strtotime(), I wrote this function to get the Easter Day in string format yyyy-mm-dd.
function myEaster($year)
/*Warning: easter_date(): This function is only valid for years between 1970 and 2037
* The easter_days() function can be used instead of easter_date() to calculate Easter for years which fall outside the range.
//The next line would do the work if there were no limitations:
//return date("Y-m-d",easter_date($year));
/*Outside range (1970,2037) they advise to use easter_days().
* Unfortunately, when you have to create a date object as 21-03-yyyy to which add easter_days(), then obtain Easter,
* functions like strtotime(), DateTime::createFromFormat() will fail. (return value is 01-01-1970)
//The next line would do the work if strtotime() wasn't affected by same limitations. But, the if..else is required to handle all years.
$date = date("Y-m-d",strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($march21)) . " +$days day"));
$day=str_pad(21+$days, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$day=str_pad($days-10, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $date;
I recently had to write a function that allows me to know if today is a holiday.
And in France, we have some holidays which depends on the easter date. Maybe this will be helpful to someone.
Just modify in the $holidays array the actual holidays dates of your country.
* This function returns an array of timestamp corresponding to french holidays
protected static function getHolidays($year = null)
if ($year === null)
$year = intval(date('Y'));
$easterDate = easter_date($year);
$easterDay = date('j', $easterDate);
$easterMonth = date('n', $easterDate);
$easterYear = date('Y', $easterDate);
$holidays = array(
// These days have a fixed date
mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year), // 1er janvier
mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 1, $year), // Fête du travail
mktime(0, 0, 0, 5, 8, $year), // Victoire des alliés
mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 14, $year), // Fête nationale
mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 15, $year), // Assomption
mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 1, $year), // Toussaint
mktime(0, 0, 0, 11, 11, $year), // Armistice
mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 25, $year), // Noel
// These days have a date depending on easter
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 2, $easterYear),
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 40, $easterYear),
mktime(0, 0, 0, $easterMonth, $easterDay + 50, $easterYear),
return $holidays;
In 5.3.1 easter_date() returns GMT of start of Easter Day in UK allowing
for UK Summer Time. If you are in another time zone you need to
calculate offsets.
$e1 = easter_date(2008);
$e2 = easter_date(2009);
echo "Timestamps " . $e1 . " " . $e2 . "\n";
// Timestamps 1206230400 1239490800
echo "Days between Easter 2008 Easter 2009 = " . ($e2-$e1)/86400 . "\n";
// Days between Easter 2008 Easter 2009 = 384.958333333 - i.e. 384 days 23 hours
echo date( " l, jS F Y H:i TO",$e1) . "\n";
echo date( " l, jS F Y H:i TO",$e2) . "\n";
// Sunday, 23rd March 2008 00:00 GMT+0000
// Sunday, 12th April 2009 00:00 BST+0100
echo date( " l, jS F Y H:i TO",$e1) . "\n";
echo date( " l, jS F Y H:i TO",$e2) . "\n";
// Saturday, 22nd March 2008 20:00 EDT-0400
// Saturday, 11th April 2009 19:00 EDT-0400
// Daylight saving time in effect - New York 4 hours behind GMT
To compute the correct Easter date for Eastern Orthodox Churches I made a function based on the Meeus Julian algorithm:
function orthodox_eastern($year) {
$a = $year % 4;
$b = $year % 7;
$c = $year % 19;
$d = (19 * $c + 15) % 30;
$e = (2 * $a + 4 * $b - $d + 34) % 7;
$month = floor(($d + $e + 114) / 31);
$day = (($d + $e + 114) % 31) + 1;
$de = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day + 13, $year);
return $de;
v5.2.1 - There is a known bug with easter_date() that can return incorrect dates for some years:
// 2008 OK
echo date("D d M Y", easter_date(2008)); // Sun 23 Mar 2008
// 2009 returns Saturday
echo date("D d M Y", easter_date(2009)); // Sat 11 Apr 2009
However easter_days() works correctly:
echo date("D d M Y", strtotime("2009-03-21 +".easter_days(2009)." days")); // Sun 12 Apr 2009
It is apparently related to timezone settings.
I made the function like this ... works fine !
function ostern
$d=((15 + $jb/100 - $jb/400 - (8 * $jb/100 + 13) / 25)%30 + 19 * ($jb%19))%30;
if ($d==29)
elseif($d==28 && ($jb%17)>=11)
else $D=$d;
$e=(2 * ($jb%4) + 4 *($jb%7) + 6 * $D + (6 + $jb/100 - $jb/400 - 2)%7)%7;
return $ostersonntag;
The algorithm from Bigtree is correct if you add some (int) cast
function easter_date ($Year) {
G is the Golden Number-1
H is 23-Epact (modulo 30)
I is the number of days from 21 March to the Paschal full moon
J is the weekday for the Paschal full moon (0=Sunday,
1=Monday, etc.)
L is the number of days from 21 March to the Sunday on or before
the Paschal full moon (a number between -6 and 28)
$G = $Year % 19;
$C = (int)($Year / 100);
$H = (int)($C - (int)($C / 4) - (int)((8*$C+13) / 25) + 19*$G + 15) % 30;
$I = (int)$H - (int)($H / 28)*(1 - (int)($H / 28)*(int)(29 / ($H + 1))*((int)(21 - $G) / 11));
$J = ($Year + (int)($Year/4) + $I + 2 - $C + (int)($C/4)) % 7;
$L = $I - $J;
$m = 3 + (int)(($L + 40) / 44);
$d = $L + 28 - 31 * ((int)($m / 4));
$y = $Year;
$E = mktime(0,0,0, $m, $d, $y);
return $E;