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June 18, 2015
08:00 AM
June 18, 2015
Kathmandu, Nepal
Connor Hartigan
Web & UI Designer
Jacob Lennon
Front-End Developer
Didier Mailly
Miguel Cunha Ferreira
Sales Manager
Eric Yuriev
App Developer
Theodore Clark
Project Manager
Mohan KhadkaWeb/Graphic Desiger
Hi, It's me Mohan from Nepal. I'm a web and graphics designer. Designing is my passion and I am still learning and developing my skills on graphics designing and coding. I have been working on various designing projects.
I have been using the following assets to build this design
roboto for typography
jquery for design/ui
ionicons for icons
ui faces for avatar
animate.css for animation
concept of design for layout for background
I'm glad for using these resources and expecting same as time ahead